
HTA Manager MVC
13704 - Non printable is the same as main bulk

HTA Manager MVC
13302 - After generation invoices, bulk file has not been saved

HTA Manager MVC
12482 - Why is an newly uploaded document not selected after save

HTA Manager MVC
11204 - Save button is not there in orderline related tab of Costlines.
11590 - Add 'IsRental' to article and calculate amount hosting based on this article setting
11602 - Add/remove fields on ‘Modules’ tab of license
11607 - Add/change fields on workitem
11628 - Remove text: 'Moved to next sprint' if we move items to next sprint
11759 - If order is generated from costline, the payment info of the relation is not on the order

HTA Manager MVC
11356 - DocumentType manager: Rename to Documenttype and don't make it required
