
Woonzorg VIM 2020
13768 - Graag prijs voor extra veld opnemen in panden-import

Woonzorg VIM 2020
13502 - Upgrade .net framework and nhibernate for WIM
13529 - BUG: Contracts show only 10 results

Woonzorg VIM 2020
12577 - Wachtwoord wijzigen werkt niet bij woonzorg
11790 - Remove Villex buttons/fields from Woonzorg project

Woonzorg VIM 2020
11791 - Add retention date and retention period to ‘dossierinformatie’ grid next to document
11792 - Fill in ‘Date’ field of document if user upload document from dossierinformatie
11810 - POST actions and are validated with a CSRF token
11843 - The password policy is not working in WOONZORG
11416 - Verwijderen data relaties met contracten die langer dan x maanden geleden zijn toegevoegd/getoetst
11752 - Account lockout in Woonzorg portal
11753 - File download based on token and view prefix
11754 - RedirectUrl in login should check for domain and local path
11755 - Add content security header to the application
11756 - Upgrade to the latest jQuery version and serve it locally
11771 - Session expiration naar 1 uur
11789 - Make sure only csv files can be uploaded if user uses pand import

Woonzorg VIM 2020
11678 - Check inactief users in Woonzorg portal
11680 - Solve 'Runtime error' on login screen if user enters wrong credentials
11412 - Create import for WIM
11415 - Remove documents in bulk if they exceed retention date
